its coming as Checking Windows version ...Windows version: Microsoft Windows XP ProfessionalSearching for JAF install location ...Saved winscard.dll to: C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\winscard.dllSaved original.dll to: C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\original.dll Starting JCOP emulator ...Saved JCOP.EXE to: C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\JCOP.EXEJCOP emulator started succesfull on port8050Powering JCOP simulator ... ERROR: JCSIMU_open_socket connectsocket: 10061ERROR: JCSIMU_reset_card initializeERROR: Cannot get ATR from JCOPsimulator!...So now what should i do
i have installed jaf on my windows 7 64 bit home premium .but when i opened the jaf setup folder and right clicked on pkey emulator v5 .it disappeared and when i again unzipped it . It again disappeared .Please help me my phone is dead
OGM JAF PKEY Emulator v 5.exe